Thursday 24 December 2015

Getting Organized

While perusing the Internet for some DIY Kitchen organizing tips, I came across this post from Kevin &, on how to make your own wood drawer dividers.  

I've been looking at different dividers and bins from various Kitchen supply stores and the prices were just going to be too much.  I couldn't wait to try out this project after finding the post.  I bought 12 pieces of lumber.  At just over $25 Canadian - what a bargain for completely custom fit organization.
I used 1/4 inch thick "hobby board" made of poplar from Home Depot.  They were just over $2.00 CAD a piece.  It took approximately 3 boards per drawer - I've only completed 2 so far, so that's a guesstimate.

Here is what you'll need (no husband required):
I covered the bottom of the drawer with parchment paper, or you can use newspaper, just to protect it from glue drips.
I laid out my utensils how I wanted, measured and cut the pieces to fit.  I glued the dividers together, but not to the drawer walls.  I want to be able to remove these later if necessary. Or to add drawer liner later on.
You could be really exact and make a a box frame around the inside of the drawer before adding the dividers, that would require extra wood - I am El Cheapo. 
I chose to add just the dividers.  I did have to add some end pieces to stabilize it so the
whole thing wouldn't slide or shift over time.

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