Saturday 17 October 2015

Dollar Store Feather Boa Wreath

$13.00 Halloween Wreath Tutorial

Everything for this project was purchased from the dollar, except the Styrofoam wreath form.  The form is $ 9.99 @ Michael's, but I used a 40% off coupon.

Wrap the entire wreath form with black Electrical tape or black duct tape if you have it.  I have seen similar wreaths online that were wrapped in black fabric ribbon before adding the feathers.  The electrical tape made this super quick and easy.  It adheres instantly and is very flexible.  Plus it was one less item I had to purchase since I already had it on hand.

The boa is fastened onto the form with metal sewing pins.

Awesome tip: only partially wrap the boa's onto the wreath, leaving a long feather tail. Using the electrical tape, adhere the unsightly section of the wired roses onto the wreath then cover with the reaming boa.

Cost Breakdown: 
1 - Hall Rose Bqt Glit $ 1.25
3 - Feather Boa's $ 1.00 ea.
1 - Black Glitr Crow $ 1.25
1 - Styrofoam Wreath $ 6.00 (with the 40% discount)
Total: $11.50 before taxes

Ignore the glue gun, I didn't end up using it at all in this project.

Thanks to for the super fun hand drawn arrow jpg's, and for the Buffied font.

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